Wednesday, June 27, 2007

"'What is the use of a book,' thought Alice, 'without pictures and conversations?'"

... Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

Indeed. In this case, my blog is the book and conversation. But still pretty useless without the pictures, eh?

So, announcement: the pictures from my Northeast trip are up for viewing, along with a few choice pictures of Tannu and I rejoicing over our new inverter (yay for no more sweaty, sleepless nights with no fans!). Just click on the link on the right.

As a side note, I suppose I don't fully agree with little Alice. I like books just fine without any pictures. But books without conversations attached (be it internal or external) leaves the book lifeless, in my humble opinion.

Now that my internet is working again, more to come later.

With love,

Alice in Wonderland
(randomly enough, Aunty's nickname for me...)

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