Sunday, June 17, 2007


I’ve returned from my trip to the Northeast! What an adventure (in more ways than one). Besides experiencing a very different culture, nearly dying on a foggy mountain road drive in a 16-year-old barely functional car, escaping from my first bahnd, rejoicing in the monsoon season 20 C temperatures, wind, and rain… besides all that… interviewing 23 people in 3 days, sharing with three groups, and getting to know and love the people and ministry of *****. Like I said, adventure!

I was so pleased and encouraged with the interviews I was able to conduct. I got exactly what I needed; I got a much better understanding of the nature and impact of the ministry of *****. I got to see the exact places that Aunty has been telling me about all these months – the land that was in a vision God gave her, the people she discipled, the jungle they built in – even the gargantuan bugs that I had thought must be exaggerated!

As I’ve gotten to hear Aunty's story of God’s leading over the past couple months, I’ve been continually convicted and encouraged by her example of consistent quick obedience. My trip just confirmed this. I was rejoicing as, in Jowai, I got to see the fruit of Aunty’s obedience. She went to a place that had a very real need (and still does) to hear truth and see Christian living consistently displayed. She provided that by her own life example and by establishing such things as a Basic Bible School and Bible study projects. As I interviewed person after person I realized that even though many had been born in “Christian” families, they didn’t even know the basics of who Christ was until they were involved in these programs. So many people gave testimony to their changed lives because of Aunty's example and the ministry's stand on God's Word.

My two favorite interviews were with people who, after getting basic training at *****, have gone to villages. I can’t wait to come home and share their actual stories with you. My heart was broken and touched as I heard about their front line work. They are sharing where it’s never been shared before and they, and those who believe, suffer. Jim Elliot's classic quote, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose” kept coming to mind as they talked. They were two interviews that I will not soon forget. Heart-changing.

There are so many more stories and joys from my trip, but that will have to do for now. Pictures are forthcoming, it’s just taking me forever to label them all so you’ll actually know what you’re looking at. Hopefully they’ll give you some more insight into my adventures.

Coming back has meant a hit-the-ground-running return to “normal life”. Tannu’s English lessons continue and we’re both pleased with her progress. She starts her school early next month. Aunty and I are trying to put concentrated effort into the book during this upcoming week. I’ve got notes to type, old reports to go through, pictures to scan, and letters to read. Also (I’ve not mentioned this before), I’m about a month into a Bible study with a neighbor friend, A. We are using a great study titled, Following Jesus: Navigating the Narrow Path written by friend, Grace Cabalka. Our bi-weekly Bible study has been an India-time highlight for me as I’ve seen how lessons I learned at the front end (cultural lessons, openness to the Spirit’s leading, sensitivity to spiritual battle issues, increased knowledge of the Word) were the Spirit’s preparation for this particular study with this particular friend. It’s been fruitful, encouraging, and amazing to lead and care for her in this way! Add to all these “normalities” Brajen’s upcoming engagement ceremony (this Saturday!) and you’ve got a very busy Karisa & Co.

As side notes in my little update-fest, Aunty’s health is greatly improved, though the health of two of her dear sisters is not good. Please pray for continued health for Aunty, strength during this busy time, and health for her two sisters. Also, the Faridabad property continues to move forward – today Aunty picked out the flooring, bathroom fixtures, etc. Please pray for further finances to be raised, as there has been an unexpected cost increase of $10,000 to complete the ministry portion of the building.

More later, friends!

With love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Can you send me the two heart touching stories please.Thank you!
