Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Internet and Pictures

Dear Friends -

The title tells it all: we now have internet at our home AND I've managed to post pictures of my first months in India. Though I have lots of other pictures to sort through and show you all, I hope the few I've chosen will give you a taste for the family I've found, the people I've met, and the places I've been. Just click HERE or go to http://web.mac.com/duffygirl. I'll also make it a permanent link on my blog, so that you don't have to find this post to access it.

In other, internet related news, I've got Skype: DuffynIndia.

Disclaimer: as with everything else, internet access is subject to electricty and (probably) a multitude of other unforseen issues. Don't get sad or scared if I'm still not able to be a consistent, faithful blogger/writer.

I am thankful for this incredible, instant connection called internet. I hope you all enjoy my pictures...

More to come soon regarding our lives lately, I just wanted to get this "business" out of the way.

With love,

1 comment:

kcamp said...

Just wanted you to know we at ECCU miss you and think about how you're doing. We are praying for you.

Be encouraged as Phil. 4:19 has been prayed for you and
Eph. 3: 14-21 is what I hope you will find as our precious Lord continues to grow you and use you more and more for His glory.

Thank you for being such an encouragement to the body of Christ!

What are your plans for Christmas? Hope your Christmas is filled with His presence and may God bless all that you put in your hands to do for Him!

Kevin at ECCU