Thursday, March 01, 2007

Faridabad Groundbreaking!

I won’t keep you hanging. I didn’t actually eat that big chili in yesterday’s picture. Though I’ve gotten used to chilies while living here, I’m not crazy! At the time the picture was taken I was so amazed at the chili that I just had to record what I was convinced was a world record size… only to find out we had about 10 bigger ones in the fridge.

Now on to the really important things! On Saturday the 24th of February we had a groundbreaking ceremony at our Faridabad property. The ceremony was a momentous occasion because Faridabad is the next big step (and change) in Aunty’s ministry. Her vision is to have a house and meeting hall where she can spend her new found quiet time studying, resting, and reflecting, as well as hosting on-site training, seminars, and retreats for women, leaders, and churches. This will mean a complete pullout from the current, Gurgaon ministry.

We were having the ceremony at this particular time because the money for the project had recently arrived and the contractor had been chosen. Aunty wanted to dedicate the land by breaking the first ground with prayer. The important men of the village came, as well as the entire local WINN staff and a dear young couple from church, the Benjamin’s. Besides physically breaking ground (with a pick ax), praying for the property, and sharing the project vision with the village elders, I also had the opportunity to encourage the guests and challenge the staff using Aunty’s theme verse for the year, Isaiah 41:8-10 as well as Joshua 1:9 and 24:15.

It wasn’t until after the ceremony that the village women joined us (in their mostly Muslim society women typically do not come out in public when men are present). They represent what will be the other aspect of Aunty’s Faridabad project. They flock to Aunty each time she visits and there is huge potential for her to teach, provide health basics (Basic medical needs are unmet in this village of farmers and day laborers), and enrich their lives on many levels. The women are eager for advice and friendship, which means Aunty might not have as much quiet and rest as she hopes!

Since the ceremony the contractor has started digging the foundation to what will be Aunty’s home. We’ve had to visit daily to ensure the foundation is properly laid (I’m learning a lot about construction in India). The contractor “guarantees” that the entire project will be completed by late July or early August, right before I leave. As much as I long for the chance to move out there, albeit briefly, I’ll believe it when I see it – I think he’s being a little optimistic. Good thing God is in control!

Here are some specific ways you can pray for the Faridabad project:

…Pray for wisdom to oversee the building, especially during the initial, “babysitting” phase.

…Pray for our relationship with our neighbors in the local village, especially the women and children. Their language is slightly different than Hindi (Haryani or something like that), so that proves a challenge, as do other cultural differences. Also, having wisdom in how to answer their medical questions and how to befriend them at more than a “how are you” level are two things to be prayerful about.

…Pray also for a good watchman – we need to choose one by March 6.

…Pray for Aunty’s continued health issues (general weariness, heart stress) during this especially intense time.

More blogging to come soon. I’m making up for lost time, but trying to keep these short and sweet. (Ha!)


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