I suppose to "have" a blog, one must actually post on said blog. Voila! My first post, for your viewing pleasure!
Most everyone checking out this humble little posting abode are most likely friends interested in my upcoming India adventures - thank you for doing so. I am extremely appreciative of your interest in my plans, your prayers, and your support.
In this first post, I hope to answer some questions I get consistently regarding my upcoming trip. Let me know if you have others!
Q: Uhm, I missed something. You're going somewhere?
A: Yup, I'm going to India. Delhi, India to be specific.
Q: When are you leaving? Oh, and how long will you be gone?
A: Great question. So glad you asked... I'm leaving the week of September 24th, most likely the 28th or 29th. I will be living in India for 9-10 months.
Q: What organization are you going with?
A: I'm actually going to serve with an individual, a woman named Sheila Massey. Sheila, a native of India, works with Women's International Needs Network - India (WINN-INDIA).
Q: Why are you going to India, anyway?
A: Sorry friends, but this is going to be a long answer...
...Let me give you a little background: upon graduating from Biola in 2004, I was provided with a position at ECCU (www.eccu.org). I quickly realized that I had been blessed with a salary that, if I lived carefully, would allow me to repay my school and other debt within one year. Through God’s graciousness I was able to meet that goal. As a result, I began to pray about how I – single and unencumbered by debt or other obligations -- might best use the “free time” in my life for God’s glory and greater purpose before pursuing what I believe is His next step for me – graduate school in preparation for full time mission work. I began praying specifically that God would provide an opportunity to serve overseas. I had grown up being involved with overseas missions, specifically missions to Romanian orphans, and my long term goals had always encompassed returning to ministry. At the same time that I began praying in these ways, my home church, Grace EV Free of La Mirada was in the midst of studying Acts. Instead of getting too comfortable with (and dependent on) my community, my home, and my salary (something I was in danger of), our time in Acts each week meant I felt continually convicted and encouraged to pursue praying about boldly sharing God’s word with the nations.
Then, when a team of my dearest friends from Grace went to India in early January of last year, I committed to pray for them daily. As I heard their updates my heart began to grow in love for the Indian people, as well as for Sheila and her ministry. When the team came back and I heard specifically from Erik and Donna about their work, Sheila’s ministry, and the continued needs, I began to see how God might use me there. Through Erik and Donna’s encouragement and God directing my heart, I began to see how my time at ECCU, a place where I’d developed certain administrative and organizational skills, might aid Sheila in setting up and maintaining an “office”. Also, as I learned that some of the other areas in which Sheila could be supported were hospitality, teaching, and gathering stories for the purpose of writing a biography on her life, I saw even more ways that God has been particularly preparing me for this type of service. Discussions with Sheila, Sonny, Erik, and Donna followed, and out of those conversations I watched God faithfully answer my prayers for an opportunity to serve Him with my “free time”.
Q: So what exactly will you be doing?
A: Like it says above, I'll be working with Sheila in her already established ministry. My primarily goal will be to serve Sheila in whatever ways she desires (be it cooking or speaking or cleaning or studying the Word) so that she is freed up for even more effective service. So far it looks like the ways that will most help Sheila are: working with her assistant to help him better establish her office, providing a study partner as she spends time in the Word and prepares for conferences, providing discipleship and hospitality to people in Sheila's life, and writing Sheila's biography. I'll be busy!
Q: What is left for you to do before you go?
A: So MUCH! I'll continue to work at ECCU up until September 22. Meanwhile I've got to be working on the myriads of details that will need to be in place before I leave. The most pressing at the moment are (1) getting my visa, (2) finishing raising support (i.e., sending out a support letter!), and (3) buying my plane ticket.
Thanks again for your interest in my trip. In the future I'll use this blog to keep you updated on my progress towards leaving, and, once in India, hopefully "take you along" on my trip by using comments on this blog as a window from which you can view God's work in my heart and in India.
With love for all of you dear ones,
Saturday, August 19, 2006
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